Hydra Private 14 Days

[SHOWCASE] » To see a video or product showcase of this product, check out 'HERE - Products Videos'.
[PRIVATE] » This is a private product with only 100 slots that you have to apply to via 'HELITE'S DISCORD', it has meme features
which are listed down below, a web radar & is safer than Hydra Lite.
» If you have access to Hydra Private, go register an account & create a #tickets in our 'Discord' to purchase with the actual prices to purchase from us!
[ Actual Prices ]
» 7 Days is $38.99
» 14 Days is $58.99
» 30 Days is $98.99
[NOTE] » Make sure to check if your PC is compatible cause we are not responsible if not.
To use this product, you'd need Secure Boot & Hyper-V DISABLED with Virtualization ENABLED.
[Product Type] » External ✅
[CPU Compatability] » Intel & AMD ✅
[Winvers] » Windows 10 2004-22H2 (fully supported) & Windows 11 21H2-23H2 (experimental) ✅
[Bonus] » Xeroa Spoofer included for FREE ✅
[ Aimbot ]
▸ Aimbot PROFILES (Able to create up to 5 Keybinds)
▸ Aimbot Enabled
▸ Silent Aim
▸ Ignore Teammates
▸ Lock Target (Distance & FOV Limit)
▸ Smoothness
▸ Randomized Smooth
▸ Predict Bullet Drop
▸ Predict velocity
▸ Aim Key-bind (Hold/Toggle/Always On/Disabled)
▸ Bone Selection (Select More Bones to Randomize)
[ Visuals ]
▸ Box
▸ Skeleton
▸ Info (Keybind)
▸ Player Name
▸ Player Size
▸ Convert Cryrillic to Latin (Player/Scav Names)
▸ Show Team
▸ Bot Name
▸ Health Bar
▸ Grenades
▸ Grenades Close Warning
[ Loot/Items ]
▸ Fully Customizable Loot Filter
▸ Categorized Items/Groups
▸ Price Filter
▸ Search Filter
▸ Keybinds for ALL groups to fully customize your experience
▸ Fade to Distance Feature
▸ Select All/Deselect All
▸ Dead Body/Player Groups/Lootable Group Options (Keybinded)
▸ Option to hide group names
[ Scheme ]
▸ Customizable Color Scheme
▸ Box Style (Corners/Full)
▸ Box Thickness
▸ Skeleton Thickness
▸ Health Bar Thickness/Offset
▸ Menu Font Family & Size
▸ Visuals Font Family & Size
▸ Outlines for Visuals
[ Quests ]
▸ Quest Enabled
▸ Don't show finished parts
▸ Zones Colors (Keybinded / Distance Limit)
▸ Items Colors (Keybinded / Distance Limit)
▸ Adaptive -> Active Quests (Yellow) / Completed Quests (Blue)
[ Miscellaneous ]
▸ Split Scav & Player Count
▸ Sniper Mode
▸ No Recoil
▸ Reduce Recoil Slider
▸ No Weapon Shaking
▸ Night Vision
▸ Thermal Vision
▸ No Visor
▸ Force Day
▸ Infinite Stamina
▸ Ammo Counter
▸ Close Enemy Warning (Distance Adjustable)
▸ Warning Triangle (Duration/Cooldown Adjustable)
▸ Crosshair (Size Adjustable)
▸ FOV Circle
▸ Aim Line
▸ Stream Proof Overlay (Full Streamproof)
▸ Ultra Safe Mode (disables memory features)
▸ FOV Changer Slider
▸ FOV Zoom (Keybind)
[ Meme ]
▸ Infinite Stamina
▸ Speedhack (Keybind)
▸ Overwrite grenade strength
▸ Levitation (Keybind)
▸ Fireport offsetting (able to shoot around corleft or right)
▸ Teleportation (Keybind - Found under Developer category)
[ Web Radar ]
▸ Enable (shareable link)
[ Objects ]
▸ Exfil ESP (Keybind)
▸ Claymore ESP (Keybind)
▸ Landmines ESP (Keybind)
[ Configs ]
▸ Customizable User-Defined Configs (Any name you want)
▸ Config Save/Load
▸ Config Load Only LOOT/ITEM Settings
▸ Auto-Load
[ Performance ]
▸ Limit Skeleton Resources
▸ Vsync
▸ Vsync Lobby (only enables Vsync in the lobby)
▸ Debug Logging
[ Developer ]
▸ Cache Game World Data
▸Overlay GPU Priority (Normal/High/Realtime)
▸Use gadget to page in memory
▸Teleportation (Keybind)
About Hydra Private 14 Days
[DISCLAIMER] » Remember to check out the 'Status' page for before purchasing!
[SHOWCASE] » To see a video or product showcase of this product, check out 'HERE - Products Videos'.
[PRIVATE] » This is a private product with only 100 slots that you have to apply to via 'HELITE'S DISCORD', it has meme features
which are listed down below, a web radar & is safer than Hydra Lite.
» If you have access to Hydra Private, go register an account & create a #tickets in our 'Discord' to purchase with the actual prices to purchase from us!
[ Actual Prices ]
» 7 Days is $38.99
» 14 Days is $58.99
» 30 Days is $98.99
[NOTE] » Make sure to check if your PC is compatible cause we are not responsible if not.
To use this product, you'd need Secure Boot & Hyper-V DISABLED with Virtualization ENABLED.
[Product Type] » External
[CPU Compatability] » Intel & AMD
[Winvers] » Windows 10 2004-22H2 (fully supported) & Windows 11 21H2-23H2 (experimental)
[Bonus] » Xeroa Spoofer included for FREE
[ Aimbot ]
▸ Aimbot PROFILES (Able to create up to 5 Keybinds)
▸ Aimbot Enabled
▸ Silent Aim
▸ Ignore Teammates
▸ Lock Target (Distance & FOV Limit)
▸ Smoothness
▸ Randomized Smooth
▸ Predict Bullet Drop
▸ Predict velocity
▸ Aim Key-bind (Hold/Toggle/Always On/Disabled)
▸ Bone Selection (Select More Bones to Randomize)
[ Visuals ]
▸ Box
▸ Skeleton
▸ Info (Keybind)
▸ Player Name
▸ Player Size
▸ Convert Cryrillic to Latin (Player/Scav Names)
▸ Show Team
▸ Bot Name
▸ Health Bar
▸ Grenades
▸ Grenades Close Warning
[ Loot/Items ]
▸ Fully Customizable Loot Filter
▸ Categorized Items/Groups
▸ Price Filter
▸ Search Filter
▸ Keybinds for ALL groups to fully customize your experience
▸ Fade to Distance Feature
▸ Select All/Deselect All
▸ Dead Body/Player Groups/Lootable Group Options (Keybinded)
▸ Option to hide group names
[ Scheme ]
▸ Customizable Color Scheme
▸ Box Style (Corners/Full)
▸ Box Thickness
▸ Skeleton Thickness
▸ Health Bar Thickness/Offset
▸ Menu Font Family & Size
▸ Visuals Font Family & Size
▸ Outlines for Visuals
[ Quests ]
▸ Quest Enabled
▸ Don't show finished parts
▸ Zones Colors (Keybinded / Distance Limit)
▸ Items Colors (Keybinded / Distance Limit)
▸ Adaptive -> Active Quests (Yellow) / Completed Quests (Blue)
[ Miscellaneous ]
▸ Split Scav & Player Count
▸ Sniper Mode
▸ No Recoil
▸ Reduce Recoil Slider
▸ No Weapon Shaking
▸ Night Vision
▸ Thermal Vision
▸ No Visor
▸ Force Day
▸ Infinite Stamina
▸ Ammo Counter
▸ Close Enemy Warning (Distance Adjustable)
▸ Warning Triangle (Duration/Cooldown Adjustable)
▸ Crosshair (Size Adjustable)
▸ FOV Circle
▸ Aim Line
▸ Stream Proof Overlay (Full Streamproof)
▸ Ultra Safe Mode (disables memory features)
▸ FOV Changer Slider
▸ FOV Zoom (Keybind)
[ Meme ]
▸ Infinite Stamina
▸ Speedhack (Keybind)
▸ Overwrite grenade strength
▸ Levitation (Keybind)
▸ Fireport offsetting (able to shoot around corleft or right)
▸ Teleportation (Keybind - Found under Developer category)
[ Web Radar ]
▸ Enable (shareable link)
[ Objects ]
▸ Exfil ESP (Keybind)
▸ Claymore ESP (Keybind)
▸ Landmines ESP (Keybind)
[ Configs ]
▸ Customizable User-Defined Configs (Any name you want)
▸ Config Save/Load
▸ Config Load Only LOOT/ITEM Settings
▸ Auto-Load
[ Performance ]
▸ Limit Skeleton Resources
▸ Vsync
▸ Vsync Lobby (only enables Vsync in the lobby)
▸ Debug Logging
[ Developer ]
▸ Cache Game World Data
▸Overlay GPU Priority (Normal/High/Realtime)
▸Use gadget to page in memory
▸Teleportation (Keybind)